Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hindu gods and godesses

I read the writing and look at the picture in the site.The site is talk about the Hindu god-Ganesh.The site is tellus about:Both of Ganesh's Parents are god and godesses.His father is Shiva and his mother is Parvathi.Ganesh is the older son of Shiva and Parvathi.He also has a brother name Karthik .But one day they are talking about who is better.They decide to ask the other god Brahma.But Brahma said he don't know.At the last Karthik think GAnesh is better than himslef,because everyone thinks he is well.Afetr I read the site I learned:That Karthik is Ganesh's brother.and they are agrue about who is better,so It's the story's come from.

the picture is the photo of Ganesh


I read the site and look at the picture in the site.The iste is talk about lakshmi is the daughter of Sige Bhrigu.And if teh god is sent into exlie.Then she was reborn.A long time ago when the gods saw her they all said she is beautiful.Shiva also said she is his wife,but she walk to Vishnu soon and takehis hand.Then if Vishnu change to a human and she wiil be his wife in human's world,too.Afetr I reae the site I learned:lakshmi is Vishnu's wife and they will be hushand and wife forever.

the picture is the phtot of lakshmi


I watch the film in youtube.The film is all about the godesses-Mahadevi.The music are good and there are a lot of picture of she.After I watch the film I learned:She is teh mother godesses,and she is always about the Lotus.

the pictuer is the photo of mahadevi


The stange eye of Danny said...

I don't like your third
part of Mahadevi. I think
you can learned more from
her. Also, I like this

Savant English School said...

This is a better post. when you do posts like this it makes me feel both very happy and frustrated: happy because it is awesome, obviously; and frustrated because I know that you are so smart and any time your homework it isn't as nice, it is only due to laziness. Great work on this post!